
Anshu Arya, GWPG Chair

Anshu joined SPEC in 2018 to focus on SPECworkstation because he had started using the benchmark at AMD, where he is the technical lead for a software performance analysis team focused optimizing application for AMD’s latest CPUs. Anshu has worked to ensure SPECworkstation is updated to support new products, including ensuring that the SPECworkstation® 3.0.4 update offered expanded support modern workstation CPUs that go up to 128 threads. He has also focused on encouraging more participation from more companies as the fundamental way to make SPEC benchmarks even better and more trusted.

Jessica Heerboth, SPECapc Chair

As the chair of the SPECapc Committee, Jessica’s goal is to nurture every form of collaboration that can contribute to producing the highest quality SPEC benchmarks. She got involved in GWPG in 2019 during an internship at Nvidia, where several of her colleagues were already SPEC members and where she saw how the integrity that comes from different companies collaborating to solve problems led to much higher quality benchmarks. During her internship, Jessica helped put finishing touches on multiple SPEC benchmarks, and when she was hired at Nvidia as a full-time driver engineer working on performance improvements and bug fixes, she enthusiastically continued her work with SPEC, playing a key role in getting the 3ds Max 2022 benchmark functional, up to SPEC standards and out the door.

Ross Cunniff, SPECgpc Chair

As the chair of the SPECgpc Committee, Ross’s goal is to ensure SPECgpc remains the go-to reference provider of synthetic graphic benchmarks based on actual application behavior by ensuring SPEC benchmarks continue to incorporate all the latest technologies. Ross has interacted in various ways with SPEC since its inception. In 2015, he became the primary SPEC representative for NVIDIA, where as a software engineering manager, he performs workstation performance-related tasks, including benchmark creation. Ross has also worked with the other GWPG committees, serving as secretary for two of them.

Ross is on the board of ML Commons, focusing on machine learning benchmarking and best practices, and served as a Fort Collins, Colo. City Council member for eight years, where among other activities, he helped push through an initiative to create a municipally-owned internet utility.

Chandra Sakthivel, SPECwpc Chair

As chair of the SPECwpc® Committee, Chandra is focused on completing the next major release of the SPECworkstation benchmark. His goal is to ensure the release incorporates real-world workloads for the latest industry use cases, which depend on higher frequencies, heterogeneous computing, hybrid architecture, HPC, new memory and storage technologies, and more. He is also interested in measuring platform-level workstation performance. In 2020, Chandra became the primary GWPG representative for Intel, where he has spent eight years as a CPU/GPU performance engineer and architect working on various performance and KPI metrics. Over the last three years, he helped bring the SPECworkstation 3.1 benchmark to market, and last year, he was the SPECwpc vice-chair. Chandra is also a IEEE senior member, contributes IEEE standards group and an honorary member of the Sigma Xi Science Research Society.

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